Genealogy Record For
Sarah Shepherd - (Della Stickel's G2 Grandmother)

Sarah Iseler (Shepherd) (? - ?)
  • Spouse: Champ Shepherd (08/24/1814-03/30/1888)
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    1. Father: Unknown? (?)
    2. Mother: Unknown? (?)
Sarah's Personal Information
(Birth Date Unknown?)
Date of Death: Unknown
Cemetery: Grace Episcopal Church in Berryville, Clark Co., Virginia (VA), USA
Marriage to:
    Champ Shepherd (08/24/1814-03/30/1888) on October 30, 1839
     - in Clark County, Virginia (VA), USA
Residence History: 1860 to 1870 - Chapel Twp, Millwood District, Berryville, Clarke Co., VA
Source: Tracy Tomblin Propst's RootsWeb site
Family Lines: Sarah is listed in the following family line report: Shepherd

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Last Modified on: September 27, 2009
Record Created:   July 25, 2006